Yeshiva Girls High School
We empower our students to be critical thinkers while equipping them with the necessary skills to study independently, to be analytical and to harness their creativity. We see the success of our model in our high rate of midrasha attendance, communal contribution as well as in our excellent matric results and through our graduates who go on to achieve success in the greater world. We are proud of our consistent 100% university pass rate.
We place a great deal of emphasis on academic excellence both in kodesh and general studies, while developing the student as a whole person. We offer a variety of sports to our learners, allowing them to develop passions and to promote a healthy lifestyle. Our learners are equipped with all the necessary skills and guidance to achieve academic excellence.

Kodesh Studies
With Rashi commentary
Jewish life in Eretz Yisrael
Jewish law.
Jewish History
Jewish life and history.
Pirkai Avot
Ethics of Our Fathers
Weekly Torah portion readings
Insight into prayer
Jewish philosophy and thought
Maagal Hashana
Study of the Jewish calendar
Israel Studies
Commitment to Eretz Yisrael
These lessons afford students the opportunities to stretch their understanding of Judaism and provide a platform for these young women to explore Jewish thought, ideas and philosophy while developing their Jewish identity.
Our Beit Midrash Track offers a high level of Limudei Kodesh studies, specialising in developing critical thinking as well as the required skills to analyse Torah texts as well as a love for Torah and Judaism. Our main stream track focuses on developing knowledge and a love for Torah and emunah. Our Shalhevet Programme offers daily early morning breakfast shiurim given by dynamic Rabbis, Rebbetzins and facilitators. We have partnered with the university midrasha to facilitate afternoon learning for our girls.
We equip our learners with skills to thrive in the Torah, professional and academic worlds.
General Studies
Life Science
Life Orientation
Dramatic Arts

We also offer extra assistance where necessary and clinics are run in the afternoons to help learners who might be in need of additional support. We have an educational psychologist and a social worker who are available to help our learners outside the classroom.
Chessed & Outreach
Cultural Activities
Yeshiva Informal Department Shabbatonim
Junior City Council
Yeshiva University Model United Nations
Give your child a true Torah education
We equip our learners with skills to thrive in the Torah, professional and academic worlds.